Sunday, August 12, 2007

Had to make these Three Post Quick...

We're on a flat tire repair break in Niamey. On my way to Say. Wrote these up earlier and now they're out of order, but you can figure it out.


First Impressions of Africa:

- The people are incredibly friendly. This is a place where greetings can last longer than the conversation. There are six different initial greetings in Zarma for specific times of the day. And you’re ALWAYS asked about your health, family, job, everything.
- It’s not unmanageably hot… yet. It is after all rainy season. I’m glad I have my drum corps experience. It has definitely helped me get used to the heat and humidity. I hear that dry season is the worst, though I have almost a full year to acclimate myself.
- It’s beautiful. My pictures can’t do it justice, but I will try my best.

As always, my best to everyone. My love especially to Kelsey for putting up with having me only through these journal entries for the next two years. ß There’s your first shout out hunny!

Would love some mail, so drop me a line.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Thank you baby, I love you and miss you so much! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time, but don't forget me! :)


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