I am now officially one year away from the end of my service as the next group of education and health volunteers has sworn into their positions. For us older ones that means a chance to hang out at the pool in Niamey, play some ultimate Frisbee at the ambassador's house and see friends who are getting done and gone back to the States.
Which will be me pretty soon as well. I'll be home Oct1-8, so all those in Seattle, beware.
Uploaded some pictures from Kelsey's visit to Niger. Should probably upload some more, but the album is here, if you want to take a look. Added them to previous posts as well to give some reference and they are the slideshow in the side bar.
Just a quick update for now, will try to think of something more intelligent and interesting to add later.
Caught Up! (for now) — Pakse, Lao Peoples Dem Rep
13 years ago